Package brave.rpc

Class RpcClientRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • RpcClientRequest

        public RpcClientRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • spanKind

        public final brave.Span.Kind spanKind()
        Specified by:
        spanKind in class brave.Request
      • propagationField

        protected void propagationField​(String keyName,
                                        String value)
        Sets a propagation field with the indicated name. null values are unsupported.


        This is only used when injecting a trace context as internally implemented by RpcClientHandler. Calls during sampling or parsing are invalid and may be ignored by instrumentation.

        Header based requests will use headers, but this could set RPC envelopes or even binary data.

        keyName - key used for Propagation.Setter.put(R, K, java.lang.String)
        value - value used for Propagation.Setter.put(R, K, java.lang.String)
        See Also:
        SETTER, Propagation.keys(), BaggagePropagation.allKeyNames(Propagation)