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brave.grpc - package brave.grpc
build() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing.Builder


call() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
Returns the client call generated by Channel.newCall(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<RequestT, ResponseT>, io.grpc.CallOptions) during ClientInterceptor.interceptCall(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT>, io.grpc.CallOptions, io.grpc.Channel).
call() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
Returns the server call passed to ServerInterceptor.interceptCall(io.grpc.ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, io.grpc.Metadata, io.grpc.ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>).
callOptions() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
Returns the call options passed to ClientInterceptor.interceptCall(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT>, io.grpc.CallOptions, io.grpc.Channel).
create(RpcTracing) - Static method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
create(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing


error() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
Returns Status.getCause()
error() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse
Returns Status.getCause()
errorCode() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
Returns the string form of the Status.getCode() or null when not Status.isOk() or GrpcClientResponse.error().
errorCode() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse
Returns the string form of the Status.getCode() or null when not Status.isOk() or GrpcServerResponse.error().


GrpcClientRequest - Class in brave.grpc
Allows access gRPC specific aspects of a client request during sampling and parsing.
GrpcClientResponse - Class in brave.grpc
Allows access gRPC specific aspects of a client response for parsing.
GrpcRequest - Interface in brave.grpc
Allows access gRPC specific aspects of a client or server request during sampling and parsing.
GrpcResponse - Interface in brave.grpc
Allows access gRPC specific aspects of a client or server response for parsing.
GrpcServerRequest - Class in brave.grpc
Allows access gRPC specific aspects of a server request during sampling and parsing.
GrpcServerResponse - Class in brave.grpc
Allows access gRPC specific aspects of a server response for parsing.
GrpcTracing - Class in brave.grpc
GrpcTracing.Builder - Class in brave.grpc


headers() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
Returns the headers passed to ClientCall.start(ClientCall.Listener, Metadata).
headers() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
Returns a copy of headers passed to ClientCall.Listener.onHeaders(Metadata).
headers() - Method in interface brave.grpc.GrpcRequest
headers() - Method in interface brave.grpc.GrpcResponse
headers() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
Returns the headers passed to ServerInterceptor.interceptCall(io.grpc.ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, io.grpc.Metadata, io.grpc.ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>).
headers() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse
Returns a copy of headers passed to ServerCall.sendHeaders(Metadata).


method() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
method() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
methodDescriptor() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
Returns the method descriptor passed to ClientInterceptor.interceptCall(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT>, io.grpc.CallOptions, io.grpc.Channel).
methodDescriptor() - Method in interface brave.grpc.GrpcRequest
methodDescriptor() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
Returns ServerCall.getMethodDescriptor()} from the GrpcServerRequest.call().


newBuilder(RpcTracing) - Static method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
newBuilder(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
newClientInterceptor() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
This interceptor traces outbound calls
newServerInterceptor() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
This interceptor traces inbound calls


propagationField(String) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
propagationField(String, String) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest


request() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
request() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse


service() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
service() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
status() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
Returns the status passed to ClientCall.Listener.onClose(Status, Metadata).
status() - Method in interface brave.grpc.GrpcResponse
status() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse
Returns the status passed to ServerCall.close(Status, Metadata).


toBuilder() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
trailers() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
Returns the trailers passed to ClientCall.Listener.onClose(Status, Metadata).
trailers() - Method in interface brave.grpc.GrpcResponse
trailers() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse
Returns the trailers passed to ServerCall.close(Status, Metadata).


unwrap() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientRequest
unwrap() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientResponse
unwrap() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerRequest
unwrap() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerResponse
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