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accept(List<Span>) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
accept(Span...) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
accept128BitTrace(StorageComponent, TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
aggregateLinks(List<Span>) - Static method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Returns links aggregated by midnight
allShouldWorkWhenEmpty() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
This would only happen when the store layer is bootstrapping, or has been purged.
allShouldWorkWhenNoIndexableDataYet() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
This is unlikely and means instrumentation sends empty spans by mistake.
annotationNamedErrorIsntError(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
A timeline annotation named error is not a failed span.
appendSuffix(String, String) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
assertGetTraceReturns(String, List<Span>) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTraceReturns(Span) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTraceReturnsEmpty(String) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTracesReturns(List<String>, List<Span>...) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTracesReturns(QueryRequest, List<Span>...) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTracesReturnsCount(QueryRequest, int) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTracesReturnsEmpty(List<String>) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
assertGetTracesReturnsEmpty(QueryRequest) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage


BACKEND - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
blockWhileInFlight() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage


canSearchForIntervalsBesidesToday(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This test shows that dependency links can be filtered at daily granularity.
checkStorage() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
clear() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
Clears store between tests.
CLIENT_SPAN - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
Only for unit tests, not integration tests.
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITAutocompleteTags
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependenciesHeavy
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSearchEnabledFalse
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStoreHeavy
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
Configures a StorageComponent.Builder with parameters for the test being executed.
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
configureStorageForTest(StorageComponent.Builder) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
consumer_implementsCall_execute(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
consumer_implementsCall_submit(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore


DAY - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
Notably, the cassandra implementation has day granularity
DB - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
dependencies_headlessTrace(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Some systems log a different trace id than the root span.
dependencies_loopback(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
duplicateAddress(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This test confirms that the span store can process trace with intermediate spans like the below properly.


empty() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Edge-case when there are no spans, or instrumentation isn't logging annotations properly.
endTimeBeforeData(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
endTs(List<Span>) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
endTsAndLookbackMustBePositive() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This tests we error prior to executing the call.
endTsInsideTheTrace(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Ensure complete traces are aggregated, even if they complete after endTs


FRONTEND - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects


getDependencies(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Normally, the root-span is where trace id == span id and parent id == null.
getDependencies_linksMixedTraceId(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This tests that dependency linking ignores the high-bits of the trace ID when grouping spans for dependency links.
getDependenciesAllInstrumented(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
When all servers are instrumented, they all record Span.Kind.SERVER and the Span.localEndpoint() indicates the service.
getLocalServiceNames_includesLocalServiceName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getLocalServiceNames_noServiceName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getRemoteServiceNames(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getRemoteServiceNames_allReturned(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getRemoteServiceNames_dedupes(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
Ensures the service name index returns distinct results
getRemoteServiceNames_isEmpty(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSearchEnabledFalse
getRemoteServiceNames_noRemoteServiceName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getRemoteServiceNames_serviceNameGoesLowercase(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getServiceNames_isEmpty(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSearchEnabledFalse
getSpanNames(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getSpanNames_allReturned(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getSpanNames_dedupes(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
Ensures the span name index returns distinct results
getSpanNames_doesNotMapNameToRemoteServiceName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getSpanNames_isEmpty(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSearchEnabledFalse
getSpanNames_noSpanName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getSpanNames_serviceNameGoesLowercase(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
getTagsAndValues(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITAutocompleteTags
getTrace_deduplicates(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
Ideally, storage backends can deduplicate identical documents as this will prevent some analysis problems such as double-counting dependency links or other statistics.
getTrace_differentiatesDebugFromShared(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
Prevents subtle bugs which can result in mixed-length traces from linking.
getTrace_retrievesBy64Or128BitTraceId(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
getTrace_retrievesBy64Or128BitTraceId_mixed(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
getTrace_returnsEmptyOnNotFound(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
getTraces_128BitTraceId(List<Span>, TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
getTraces_128BitTraceId(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
Ensures we can still lookup fully 128-bit traces when strict trace ID id disabled
getTraces_128BitTraceId_mixed(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
getTraces_absentWhenNoTimestamp(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
Spans and traces are meaningless unless they have a timestamp.
getTraces_annotation(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_considersBitsAbove64bit(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_differentiateOnServiceName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
This test makes sure that annotation queries pay attention to which host recorded data
getTraces_differentiatesDebugFromShared(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
Prevents subtle bugs which can result in mixed-length traces from linking.
getTraces_differentiatesDebugFromShared(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
Prevents subtle bugs which can result in mixed-length traces from linking.
getTraces_duration(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
Shows that duration queries go against the root span, not the child
getTraces_endTsAndLookback(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
Traces whose root span has timestamps between (endTs - lookback) and endTs are returned
getTraces_endTsInsideTheTrace(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
Ensure complete traces are aggregated, even if they complete after endTs
getTraces_filteringMatchesMostRecentTraces(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_groupsTracesTogether(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_indexDataReturnsNothing(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSearchEnabledFalse
getTraces_lateDuration(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_limit(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
limit should apply to traces closest to endTs
getTraces_manyTraces(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStoreHeavy
Formerly, a bug was present where cassandra didn't index more than bucket count traces per millisecond.
getTraces_maxDuration(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_minDuration(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_multipleAnnotationsBecomeAndFilter(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_onlyReturnsTracesThatMatch(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
getTraces_retrievesBy64Or128BitTraceId(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
current implementation cannot return exact form reported
getTraces_returnsEmptyOnNotFound(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces
getTraces_serviceNames(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_serviceNames_mixedTraceIdLength(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_spanName(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_spanName_mixedTraceIdLength(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
getTraces_tags(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore


ignores_when_key_not_in_autocompleteTags(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITAutocompleteTags
initializeStoragePerTest() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependenciesHeavy
initializeStoragePerTest() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStoreHeavy
initializeStoragePerTest() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
Sets the test to initialise the StorageComponent before each test rather than the test class.
instrumentedClientAndServer(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
instrumentedProducerAndConsumer(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
intermediateSpans(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This test confirms that the span store can process trace with intermediate spans like the below properly.
ITAutocompleteTags<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
ITAutocompleteTags() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITAutocompleteTags
ITDependencies<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base test for SpanStore implementations that support dependency aggregation.
ITDependencies() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
ITDependenciesHeavy<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base heavy tests for SpanStore implementations that support dependency aggregation.
ITDependenciesHeavy() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITDependenciesHeavy
ITSearchEnabledFalse<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base test for when searchEnabled == false.
ITSearchEnabledFalse() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITSearchEnabledFalse
ITServiceAndSpanNames<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base test for ServiceAndSpanNames.
ITServiceAndSpanNames() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITServiceAndSpanNames
ITSpanStore<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base test for SpanStore.
ITSpanStore() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
ITSpanStoreHeavy<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base heavy tests for SpanStore implementations.
ITSpanStoreHeavy() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStoreHeavy
ITStorage<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base class for all StorageComponent integration tests.
ITStorage() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
ITStrictTraceIdFalse<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base test for when strictTraceId == false.
ITStrictTraceIdFalse() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITStrictTraceIdFalse
ITTraces<T extends StorageComponent> - Class in zipkin2.storage
Base test for Traces.
ITTraces() - Constructor for class zipkin2.storage.ITTraces


KAFKA - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects


lookbackAfterData(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
looksBackIndefinitely(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
LOTS_OF_SPANS - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
Zipkin trace ids are random 64bit numbers.


manyLinks() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependenciesHeavy
Ensure there's no query limit problem around links
midnightUTC(long) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
For bucketed data floored to the day.
missingIntermediateSpan(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This shows a missing parent still results in a dependency link when local endpoints change


names() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
names_goLowercase(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
newClientSpan(String) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
newStorageBuilder(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
Returns a new StorageComponent.Builder for connecting to the backend for the test.
newTrace(String) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
newTraceId() - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
notInstrumentedClientAndServer(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
This test confirms that the span store can detect dependency indicated by local and remote endpoint.


oneway(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Span starts on one host and ends on the other.
oneway_noClient(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Async span starts from an uninstrumented source.


processDependencies(List<Span>) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
Override if dependency processing is a separate job: it should complete before returning from this method.
processDependencies(List<Span>) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependenciesHeavy
Override if dependency processing is a separate job: it should complete before returning from this method.


readback_minimalErrorSpan(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
The following skeletal span is used in dependency linking.
readsBackLargeValues(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
While large spans are discouraged, and maybe not indexed, we should be able to read them back.
replayOverwrites(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
It should be safe to run dependency link jobs twice
requestBuilder() - Static method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
returnsRawSpans() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
Override for storage that does upserts and cannot return the original spans.


sortTrace(List<Span>) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
span(long) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
spanBuilder(String) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
spanKindIsNotRequiredWhenEndpointsArePresent(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
spanWithProblematicData(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStore
This tests problematic data that can sometimes break storage: json in span name tag with nested dots (can be confused as nested objects)
startTs(List<Span>) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects
storage - Variable in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
store() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
suffixServiceName(Endpoint, String) - Static method in class zipkin2.TestObjects


TestObjects - Class in zipkin2
TestObjects() - Constructor for class zipkin2.TestObjects
testSuffix(TestInfo) - Static method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
Used to help tests from colliding too much
TODAY - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
TRACE - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects
Only for unit tests, not integration tests.
traces() - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITStorage
traceWithManySpans(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITSpanStoreHeavy


unnamedEndpointsAreSkipped(TestInfo) - Method in class zipkin2.storage.ITDependencies
UTF_8 - Static variable in class zipkin2.TestObjects


zipkin2 - package zipkin2
zipkin2.storage - package zipkin2.storage
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