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apply(Statement, Description) - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule


collectorMetrics() - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Use this to see how many spans or serialized bytes were collected on the http endpoint.


disconnectDuringBody() - Static method in class zipkin2.junit.HttpFailure
Ex a network partition occurs in the middle of the POST request


enqueueFailure(HttpFailure) - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Adds a one-time failure to the http endpoint.


getDependencies() - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Retrieves all service links between traces this zipkin server has received.
getTrace(String) - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Retrieves a trace by ID which Zipkin server has received, or null if not present.
getTraces() - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Retrieves all traces this zipkin server has received.


HttpFailure - Class in zipkin2.junit
Instrumentation that use POST endpoints need to survive failures.
httpRequestCount() - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Use this to see how many requests you've sent to any zipkin http endpoint.
httpUrl() - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Use this to connect.


sendErrorResponse(int, String) - Static method in class zipkin2.junit.HttpFailure
Ex code 400 when the server cannot read the spans
shutdown() - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Used to manually stop the server.
start(int) - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Used to manually start the server.
storeSpans(List<Span>) - Method in class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
Stores the given spans directly, to setup preconditions for a test.


zipkin2.junit - package zipkin2.junit
ZipkinRule - Class in zipkin2.junit
Starts up a local Zipkin server, listening for http requests on ZipkinRule.httpUrl().
ZipkinRule() - Constructor for class zipkin2.junit.ZipkinRule
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