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brave.rpc - package brave.rpc
build() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRuleSampler.Builder
build() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder


clientRequestParser() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Used by RpcClientHandler.handleSend(RpcClientRequest) to add a span name and tags about the request before it is sent to the server.
clientRequestParser(RpcRequestParser) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
Overrides the tagging policy for RPC client requests.
clientResponseParser() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Used by RpcClientHandler.handleReceive(RpcClientResponse, Span) to add tags about the response received from the server.
clientResponseParser(RpcResponseParser) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
Overrides the tagging policy for RPC client responses.
clientSampler() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Returns an overriding sampling decision for a new trace.
clientSampler(SamplerFunction<RpcRequest>) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
close() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
create(RpcTracing) - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientHandler
create(RpcTracing) - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcServerHandler
create(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
current() - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Returns the most recently created tracing component iff it hasn't been closed.
customize(RpcTracing.Builder) - Method in interface brave.rpc.RpcTracingCustomizer


Default() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcRequestParser.Default
Default() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcResponseParser.Default
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface brave.rpc.RpcRequestParser
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface brave.rpc.RpcResponseParser


ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class brave.rpc.RpcTags
This tags "rpc.error_code" as the value of RpcResponse.errorCode().
errorCode() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcResponse
Returns the shortest human readable error code name.


finishTimestamp() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcResponse
The timestamp in epoch microseconds of the end of this request or zero to take this implicitly from the current clock.


handleReceive(RpcClientResponse, Span) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientHandler
Finishes the client span after assigning it tags according to the response or error.
handleReceive(RpcServerRequest) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcServerHandler
Conditionally joins a span, or starts a new trace, depending on if a trace context was extracted from the request.
handleSend(RpcClientRequest) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientHandler
Starts the client span after assigning it a name and tags.
handleSend(RpcClientRequest, Span) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientHandler
Like RpcClientHandler.handleSend(RpcClientRequest), except explicitly controls the span representing the request.
handleSend(RpcServerResponse, Span) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcServerHandler
Finishes the server span after assigning it tags according to the response or error.
handleSendWithParent(RpcClientRequest, TraceContext) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientHandler
Like RpcClientHandler.handleSend(RpcClientRequest), except explicitly controls the parent of the client span.


method() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequest
The unqualified, case-sensitive method name.
METHOD - Static variable in class brave.rpc.RpcTags
This tags "rpc.method" as the value of RpcRequest.method().
methodEquals(String) - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequestMatchers
Matcher for case-sensitive RPC method names, such as "Report" or "EXISTS"


newBuilder() - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcRuleSampler
newBuilder(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
NOOP - Static variable in interface brave.rpc.RpcTracingCustomizer
Use to avoid comparing against null references


parse(RpcRequest, TraceContext, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequestParser.Default
parse(RpcRequest, TraceContext, SpanCustomizer) - Method in interface brave.rpc.RpcRequestParser
Implement to choose what data from the RPC request are parsed into the span representing it.
parse(RpcResponse, TraceContext, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcResponseParser.Default
parse(RpcResponse, TraceContext, SpanCustomizer) - Method in interface brave.rpc.RpcResponseParser
Implement to choose what data from the RPC response are parsed into the span representing it.
parseRemoteIpAndPort(Span) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientResponse
Like RpcRequest.parseRemoteIpAndPort(Span) for when the client library cannot read socket information before a request is made.
parseRemoteIpAndPort(Span) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequest
Override and return true when it is possible to parse the remote IP and port from the delegate.
propagation() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Returns the propagation component used by RPC instrumentation.
propagation(Propagation<String>) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
propagationField(String) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcServerRequest
Returns one value corresponding to the specified propagation field, or null.
propagationField(String, String) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientRequest
Sets a propagation field with the indicated name.
putAllRules(RpcRuleSampler) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRuleSampler.Builder
Adds or replaces all rules in this sampler with those of the input.
putRule(Matcher, Sampler) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRuleSampler.Builder
Adds or replaces the sampler for the matcher.


request() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcResponse
The request that initiated this RPC response or null if unknown.
RpcClientHandler - Class in brave.rpc
This standardizes a way to instrument RPC clients, particularly in a way that encourages use of portable customizations via RpcRequestParser and RpcResponseParser.
RpcClientRequest - Class in brave.rpc
Marks an interface for use in RpcClientHandler.handleSend(RpcClientRequest).
RpcClientRequest() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcClientRequest
RpcClientResponse - Class in brave.rpc
RpcClientResponse() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcClientResponse
RpcRequest - Class in brave.rpc
Abstract request type used for parsing and sampling of RPC clients and servers.
RpcRequestMatchers - Class in brave.rpc
Null safe matchers for use in RpcRuleSampler.
RpcRequestMatchers() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcRequestMatchers
RpcRequestParser - Interface in brave.rpc
Use this to control the request data recorded for an sampled RPC client or server span.
RpcRequestParser.Default - Class in brave.rpc
The default data policy sets the span name to ${rpc.service}/${rpc.method} or only the method or service.
RpcResponse - Class in brave.rpc
Abstract response type used for parsing and sampling of RPC clients and servers.
RpcResponse() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcResponse
RpcResponseParser - Interface in brave.rpc
Use this to control the response data recorded for an sampled RPC client or server span.
RpcResponseParser.Default - Class in brave.rpc
The default data policy sets RpcTags.ERROR_CODE tag, and also "error", if there is no exception.
RpcRuleSampler - Class in brave.rpc
Assigns sample rates to RPC requests.
RpcRuleSampler.Builder - Class in brave.rpc
RpcServerHandler - Class in brave.rpc
This standardizes a way to instrument RPC servers, particularly in a way that encourages use of portable customizations via RpcRequestParser and RpcResponseParser.
RpcServerRequest - Class in brave.rpc
RpcServerRequest() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcServerRequest
RpcServerResponse - Class in brave.rpc
RpcServerResponse() - Constructor for class brave.rpc.RpcServerResponse
RpcTags - Class in brave.rpc
Standard tags used in request and response parsers.
RpcTracing - Class in brave.rpc
Instances built via RpcTracing.create(Tracing) or RpcTracing.newBuilder(Tracing) are registered automatically such that statically configured instrumentation like RPC clients can use RpcTracing.current().
RpcTracing.Builder - Class in brave.rpc
RpcTracingCustomizer - Interface in brave.rpc
This allows configuration plugins to collaborate on building an instance of RpcTracing.


serverRequestParser() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Used by RpcServerHandler.handleReceive(RpcServerRequest) to add a span name and tags about the request before the server processes it.
serverRequestParser(RpcRequestParser) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
Overrides the tagging policy for RPC server requests.
serverResponseParser() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Used by RpcServerHandler.handleSend(RpcServerResponse, Span) to add tags about the response sent to the client.
serverResponseParser(RpcResponseParser) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
Overrides the tagging policy for RPC server responses.
serverSampler() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
Returns an overriding sampling decision for a new trace.
serverSampler(SamplerFunction<RpcRequest>) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
service() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequest
The fully-qualified, case-sensitive service path.
SERVICE - Static variable in class brave.rpc.RpcTags
This tags "rpc.service" as the value of RpcRequest.service().
serviceEquals(String) - Static method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequestMatchers
Matcher for case-sensitive RPC service names, such as "grpc.health.v1.Health" or "scribe"
spanKind() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientRequest
spanKind() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcClientResponse
spanKind() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcServerRequest
spanKind() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcServerResponse
startTimestamp() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRequest
The timestamp in epoch microseconds of the beginning of this request or zero to take this implicitly from the current clock.


toBuilder() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
tracing() - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing
tracing(Tracing) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcTracing.Builder
trySample(RpcRequest) - Method in class brave.rpc.RpcRuleSampler
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