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afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.SpanCustomizingAsyncHandlerInterceptor
Sets the "error" and "http.route" attributes so that the TracingFilter can read them.
afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.SpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor
Sets the "error" attribute so that the TracingFilter can read it.


brave.spring.webmvc - package brave.spring.webmvc


CONTROLLER_CLASS - Static variable in class brave.spring.webmvc.HandlerParser
Simple class name that processed the request.
CONTROLLER_METHOD - Static variable in class brave.spring.webmvc.HandlerParser
Method name that processed the request.


DelegatingTracingFilter - Class in brave.spring.webmvc
Similar to TracingFilter, except that it initializes from Spring.
DelegatingTracingFilter() - Constructor for class brave.spring.webmvc.DelegatingTracingFilter
destroy() - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.DelegatingTracingFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.DelegatingTracingFilter


HandlerParser - Class in brave.spring.webmvc
Spring MVC specific type used to customize traced requests based on the handler.
HandlerParser() - Constructor for class brave.spring.webmvc.HandlerParser


init(FilterConfig) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.DelegatingTracingFilter


NOOP - Static variable in class brave.spring.webmvc.HandlerParser
Adds no tags to the span representing the request.


postHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, ModelAndView) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.SpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, Object, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.HandlerParser
Invoked prior to request invocation during HandlerInterceptor.preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object).
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.SpanCustomizingAsyncHandlerInterceptor
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class brave.spring.webmvc.SpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor
Parses the request and sets the "http.route" attribute so that the TracingFilter can read it.


SpanCustomizingAsyncHandlerInterceptor - Class in brave.spring.webmvc
Same as SpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor except it can be used as both an AsyncHandlerInterceptor or a normal HandlerInterceptor.
SpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor - Class in brave.spring.webmvc
Adds application-tier data to an existing http span via HandlerParser.
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