All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description HttpAdapter<Req,Resp> Deprecated. Since 5.10, useHttpRequest
HttpClientAdapter<Req,Resp> Deprecated. Since 5.10, useHttpClientRequest
HttpClientHandler<Req,Resp> This standardizes a way to instrument http clients, particularly in a way that encourages use of portable customizations viaHttpRequestParser
.HttpClientParser Deprecated. Since 5.10, useHttpRequestParser
HttpClientRequest Marks an interface for use inHttpClientHandler.handleSend(HttpClientRequest)
.HttpClientResponse Marks an interface for use inHttpClientHandler.handleReceive(HttpClientResponse, Span)
.HttpParser Deprecated. Since 5.10, useHttpRequestParser
HttpRequest Abstract request type used for parsing and sampling of http clients and servers.HttpRequestMatchers Null safe matchers for use inHttpRuleSampler
.HttpRequestParser Use this to control the request data recorded for ansampled HTTP client or server span
.HttpRequestParser.Default The default data policy sets the span name to the HTTP method and adds the "http.method" and "http.path" tags.HttpResponse Abstract response type used for parsing and sampling of http clients and servers.HttpResponseParser Use this to control the response data recorded for ansampled HTTP client or server span
.HttpResponseParser.Default The default data policy sets the span name to the HTTP route when available, along with the "http.status_code" and "error" tags.HttpRuleSampler Assigns sample rates to http routes.HttpRuleSampler.Builder HttpSampler Deprecated. Since 5.8, useSamplerFunction<HttpRequest>
.HttpServerAdapter<Req,Resp> Deprecated. Since 5.10, useHttpServerRequest
HttpServerHandler<Req,Resp> This standardizes a way to instrument http servers, particularly in a way that encourages use of portable customizations viaHttpRequestParser
.HttpServerParser Deprecated. Since 5.10, useHttpRequestParser
HttpServerRequest Marks an interface for use inHttpServerHandler.handleReceive(HttpServerRequest)
.HttpServerResponse Marks an interface for use inHttpServerHandler.handleSend(Object, Throwable, Span)
.HttpTags Standard tags used in request and response parsers.HttpTracing Instances built viaHttpTracing.create(Tracing)
are registered automatically such that statically configured instrumentation like HTTP clients can useHttpTracing.current()
.HttpTracing.Builder HttpTracingCustomizer This allows configuration plugins to collaborate on building an instance ofHttpTracing