Class CassandraStorage.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • keyspace

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder keyspace​(java.lang.String keyspace)
        Keyspace to store span and index data. Defaults to "zipkin3"
      • contactPoints

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder contactPoints​(java.lang.String contactPoints)
        Comma separated list of host addresses part of Cassandra cluster. You can also specify a custom port with 'host:port'. Defaults to localhost on port 9042 *
      • localDc

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder localDc​(@Nullable
                                                         java.lang.String localDc)
        Name of the datacenter that will be considered "local" for latency load balancing. When unset, load-balancing is round-robin.
      • maxConnections

        public final CassandraStorage.Builder maxConnections​(int maxConnections)
        Max pooled connections per datacenter-local host. Defaults to 8
      • ensureSchema

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder ensureSchema​(boolean ensureSchema)
        Ensures that schema exists, if enabled tries to execute script io.zipkin:zipkin-cassandra-core/cassandra-schema-cql3.txt. Defaults to true.
      • username

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder username​(@Nullable
                                                          java.lang.String username)
        Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. No default.
      • password

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder password​(@Nullable
                                                          java.lang.String password)
        Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. No default.
      • maxTraceCols

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder maxTraceCols​(int maxTraceCols)
        Spans have multiple values for the same id. For example, a client and server contribute to the same span id. When searching for spans by id, the amount of results may be larger than the ids. This defines a threshold which accommodates this situation, without looking for an unbounded number of results.
      • indexFetchMultiplier

        public abstract CassandraStorage.Builder indexFetchMultiplier​(int indexFetchMultiplier)
        How many more index rows to fetch than the user-supplied query limit. Defaults to 3.

        Backend requests will request QueryRequest.limit() times this factor rows from Cassandra indexes in attempts to return QueryRequest.limit() traces.

        Indexing in cassandra will usually have more rows than trace identifiers due to factors including table design and collection implementation. As there's no way to DISTINCT out duplicates server-side, this over-fetches client-side when indexFetchMultiplier > 1.