Package brave.http

Class HttpResponseParser.Default

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static class HttpResponseParser.Default
extends Object
implements HttpResponseParser
The default data policy sets the span name to the HTTP route when available, along with the "http.status_code" and "error" tags.

Route-based span name

If routing is supported, and a GET didn't match due to 404, the span name will be "get not_found". If it didn't match due to redirect, the span name will be "get redirected". If routing is not supported, the span name is left alone.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • parse

      public void parse​(HttpResponse response, TraceContext context, SpanCustomizer span)
      This tags "http.status_code" when it is not 2xx. If the there is no exception and the status code is neither 2xx nor 3xx, it tags "error". This also overrides the span name based on the HttpResponse.method() and HttpResponse.route() where possible (ex "get /users/:userId").

      If you only want to change how exceptions are parsed, override error(int, Throwable, SpanCustomizer) instead.

      Specified by:
      parse in interface HttpResponseParser
      See Also:
    • error

      protected void error​(int httpStatus, @Nullable Throwable error, SpanCustomizer span)
      Override to change what data from the HTTP error are parsed into the span modeling it. By default, this tags "error" as the the status code, if the error parameter was null and the HTTP status is below 1xx or above 3xx.

      Note: Either the httpStatus can be zero or the error parameter null, but not both. This does not parse the error, as it is assumed that the has done so prior.

      Conventionally associated with the tag key "error"